
The submission period is open from September 1st 2023. Deadline submission: 15 March 2024.

Both students and supervisors can apply for the Rotterdam Thesis Award by sending a digital version (only WORD files are allowed) to the secretary of the Rotterdam Thesis Award. Only master theses finished at Erasmus University in the calendar year 2023 with a grade of 8,0 or higher will be taken into consideration.

Provide the following details with your submission:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Educational program
  • Grade
  • Name of the thesis supervisor (with his/her contact information)
  • Proof that the thesis supervisor is aware of participation (by email)
  • Short motivation stating the relevance of the thesis for the city of Rotterdam (150 words max.) 


Submit the thesis (WORD file) and the information mentioned above by sending an email to the jury of the Rotterdam Thesis Award: click here.

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