The Student Societal Impact Award was created to stimulate societal impact by students. It is presented annually to a student, or group of students, who has or have taken an action and have shown leadership in order to create positive societal impact. The Student Societal Impact Award is created to support our students to become game-changers and embrace societal responsibility. The Student Societal Impact Award wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Erasmus Trustfonds.
About the Student Societal Impact Award
The Student Societal Impact Award has a monetary value of €4,000. The money prize is to be spent on further development of the project that contributes to positive societal impact. The prize is accompanied by a certificate of appreciation. This certificate is signed by both the Rector Magnificus and the chairman of the Erasmus Trustfonds. The award ceremony will take place at the opening of the new Academic Year.
Students eligible for the award have shown leadership by initiating and executing a project that created positive societal impact in the academic year 2024-2025.
Students who wish to compete for the prize can make themselves known through their faculty. A nominated student, or group of students, will be submitted by the dean. The submission should contain the following information:
- a letter of recommendation of the dean (or deans);
- a curriculum vitae;
- a summary of the project;
- a motivation letter from the candidate(s), explaining the following:
- a motivation for the choice of the project and how it contributes towards creating positive societal impact for a bigger audience;
- an explanation of how the project is initiated (and executed) so far, including the involvement of stakeholders;
- examples of demonstrable results that have been achieved or are planned to be achieved in the future (for example organized activities that represent societal relevance);
- a motivation for the designation of the prize money.
All nominations should be addressed to the Executive Board and submitted digitally as a single pdf to The deadline for submission is Friday 16 May 2025 12h (noon).
The jury consists of six members:
- Rector Magnificus (chairman);
- three professors;
- two students of the University Council.
2024: Ise Lau
2022: Geneeskundestudenten in de Samenleving (GIDS)
2021: Erasmus Verbindt
2020: Esmee Tanis