Doing a PhD can at times be stressful. Balancing research with teaching and a social life might at some point even raise difficult questions. How do I say ‘no’? How do I set the right priorities? What are the factors that makes me feel stressed? What gives me energy and how do I retain pleasure in my work? Who should I reach out? At Erasmus University Rotterdam, we care about the wellbeing of our PhD candidates and offer them many tools to stay healthy and happy.
Are you already doing a PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam? On MyEUR, the intranet for employees, you can read more about the facilities and services listed below.
PhD Psychologist
Your PhD is a demanding trajectory; you’re in the lead of challenging research projects, you’re trying to position yourself in the academic field and you try to determine your own path, but in agreement with your supervisors. It can be very challenging and stressful to be dealing with all these topics. Talking with a psychologist can help you to continue your PhD in a healthy and productive way.
Dealing with work pressure
Erasmus University Rotterdam attaches a great deal of importance to vitality and a healthy professional work environment and feels responsible for managing the workload within our organisation. There are various people you can turn to for help:
- The confidential counsellors offers support to staff and students in resolving problems related to inappropriate behaviour.
- The scientific research confidential advisor helps with questions, suspected transgressions and abuse with regard to scientific integrity.
- The PhD psychologist is there primarily for PhD candidates who may be experiencing a range of problems, including psychological issues caused by performance and
work pressure.
Erasmus University Rotterdam wants PhD’s, staff, students, visitors and others working within our walls to feel safe. That is why we do not tolerate undesirable behaviour. The specially trained case managers of the Safe@EUR central contact point will help you determine the right direction in addressing your request for help.
Confidential Counsellors
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) prides itself on its diversity, international orientation and commitment to a safe and inclusive working and study environment. Nevertheless, as in any other academic institutions you can be confronted with unwanted behavior or can witness unwanted behavior. If there ever is a situation in which you feel bulled, mocked, discriminated or harassed, for instance in relation to your gender identity or expression, sexuality, race or ethnicity, socio-economic background, geographical origin or religion, etcetera, you can reach out to one of the confidential counsellors.
The Complaints Committee on Undesired Behaviour with regard to sexual harassment, aggression, violence, bullying and discrimination is independent and objective and its specific task is to examine complaints in this area. The committee comprises three members, including a lawyer. The committee’s secretarial office is located in the EUR’s Administrative and Legal department (BJZ).
EUR Ombudsperson
The ombudsperson investigates complaints about the way in which the University behaves towards staff and students and can also conduct independent investigations in response to complaints. For more questions, you can send an email to
Company welfare worker
If you experience any type of obstacle that prevents you from doing your job properly, the best thing is to discuss this with an independent person who is not directly involved in your work situation. A person such as the staff welfare officer can help you find a solution to a problem and will assist you – and your manager if necessary – in dealing with the problem.
Occupational physician
The occupational physician [Dutch: bedrijfsarts] is the point of contact for EUR employees concerning any illness-related absenteeism. The occupational physicians invite members of staff (on sick leave) during surgery hours. In addition, they may be consulted by all EUR employees regarding work-related health problems, e.g. on VD work, physical stress, risks during pregnancy, or alterations of the workplace.
The Training and Development Platform offers two courses for PhD's.
Graduate School courses
Some Graduate Schools offer courses aimed at maintaining work-life balance. Check the available courses at your Graduate School.