In modern-day healthcare, diagnostic and treatment options are expanding and changing rapidly, while chronic diseases and comorbid conditions are increasing. At the same time, quality of care falls short of its potential and healthcare cost growth is escalating. A promising approach to simultaneously deal with all of these challenges is value-based healthcare (VBHC). The essence of VBHC is that the interests of all stakeholders are aligned with the common goal of ‘maximising value’, that is, realising optimal health outcomes and patient experiences at the lowest possible costs. The researchers in this Action Line strive to provide new insights in how ‘value’ can be measured. They also develop and test promising interventions aimed at increasing value in healthcare.
Read more about the steering group members of this Action Line: Jan Hazelzet and Erik Schut.
As MD PhD in Erasmus University MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands has a long clinical experience as Pediatric Intensivist, and Associate-Professor in Pediatrics. He gradually moved to the field of information and quality, first in the position of chief medical information officer of Erasmus MC, later as professor in Health Care Quality & Outcome. He is the clinical lead of the Value-Based Health Care Program in Erasmus MC and the shift towards a more Patient-Centred Care. Active in several national (NFU) and international consortia (EUHA). Research interests: patient reported outcome and experience, implementation and effects of value driven and patient centered health care, healthcare data management and analysis.
Frederik T (Erik) Schut is a Professor of Health Economics & Policy at Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM). He holds an MSc in Economics and a PhD in Health Economics (cum laude) from Erasmus University. Erik’s work focuses on organization and financing of healthcare and long-term care. He is also academic partner of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) and associate editor of Health, Economics, Policy and Law.
Read more about the leaders of this Action Line: Frank Eijkenaar and Hester Lingsma.
Frank Eijkenaar is an Associate Professor of Health Economics at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). He is co-leader of Action Line Value Based Healthcare and co-promotor of two PhD candidates in this action-line. After obtaining his PhD in 2009 (thesis on the design and effects of pay-for-performance for care providers), Frank’s research has focused mainly on the design and implementation of value-based provider payment models, as well as on performance/outcome measurement and risk adjustment methods. As a teacher, he has been actively involved in the ESHPM bachelor programme Health Sciences and master programme Health Economics, Policy & Law.
Hester Lingsma is an Associate Professor of Medical Decision Making in the Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC. She leads a multidisciplinary research group of >20 researchers involved in prediction research, comparative effectiveness research, and quality of care research. Her main clinical field of application is acute neurological diseases, including ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and traumatic brain injury.
Read more about the postdoctoral researchers of this Action Line.
Nikki van Leeuwen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC. Her research interests are medical decision making, epidemiology and causal inference. Besides methodological research and her work within the Smarter Choices for Better Health initiative, she collaborates with multiple clinical departments within and outside the Erasmus MC.
Read more about the PhD candidates of the Action Line: Marzyeh Amini, Sanne den Hartog and Nèwel Salet.
Marzyeh Amini is a PhD candidate at the Department of Public Health of Erasmus MC. Her research focuses on identifying unwarranted variation, optimal measuring and benchmarking health outcomes and patient experiences, and evaluation of implementation of VBHC. Her research interests are epidemiological methodologies research, clinical decision making, and the impact of policies relevant to health and healthcare on patient values.
Nèwel Salet is a MD PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. His research projects concern subjects as pay for reporting/outcome, developing prognostic models with case-mix adjustment and cost and outcome benchmarking studies. Given his background in medicine, his specific research goal is to provide results that (in time) will be able to impact clinical decision making, and with that, alter the nature of healthcare delivery.
Read more about our affiliated researcher Bob Roozenbeek.
Bob Roozenbeek is a neurologist with a specific expertise in stroke. He combines care for patients with cerebrovascular diseases with clinical research in the field of stroke at Erasmus Stroke Center. His research focuses on the development and implementation of new therapies and preventive interventions for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, mainly through randomised trials. Within the Smarter Choices initiative, Dr. Roozenbeek is Principal Investigator of the project “Performance feedback on quality of care in hospitals performing thrombectomy for ischemic stroke: a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial” (PERFEQTOS).