Diverse participation and great atmosphere at the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Conference, 29-30 November in Rotterdam.
The Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity conference attracted participants from business, civil society, government and academia. The two conference days provided an excellent forum for presenting academic work and discussing the research agenda for the Erasmus Initiative with partners in society. The event was co-organized by the Initiative team and World Economic Forum (WEF) and supported by Philips and the Erasmus Trust fund. Approximately 200 participants enjoyed an open atmosphere during the variety of sessions. EUR rector prof. dr. Rutger Engels and WEF president Børge Brende gave welcoming speeches on Thursday. High representatives of WEF, Philips, UN Global Compact and Natixis sat in a panel and four breakout sessions attended topics regarding long-term leadership and the role of the financial sector in fostering long-term management in the business sector. In the second day a densely packed program provided the participant with academic presentations under the parallel themes “Regulating Responsibility” and “Responsible Finance”. The Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity research initiative comprises scholars from ESL, RSM and ESPhil.

The Rector of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Prof.dr. Rutger Engels (left) in conversation with the Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of Royal Philips, Prof. dr. Marnix van Ginneken (middle) and the President of the Erasmus Initiative Steering group and Dean of the Erasmus School of Law, Prof. dr. Suzan Stoter (right).

The panel discussion on the first day of the conference, moderated by Prof. dr. Jan-Peter Balkenende. From left to right: Prof. dr. Juliane Reinecke (King’s College London, King’s Business School), Prof. dr. Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School, Faculty of Finance), Børge Brende (President of the World Economic Forum), Frans van Houten (Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Royal Philips), Lise Kingo (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the UN Global Compact) and Christophe Lanne (Chief Transformation Officer of Natixis).
About the Research Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity
The Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity combines members of the Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam School of Management and the Erasmus School of Philosophy and channels their expertise into research projects that lead to a step-change in academic understanding of the drivers and dynamics of inclusive prosperity as well as impact-driven contributions to societal debate, public policy formation, entrepreneurship and regulation.