
Research Master in Philosophy and Economics

Assistance with funding

There are various grants, scholarships and loans available to help you cover your tuition fees. A concise list of these can be found on the university’s Financial Aid webpage. Another list can be found on the Study in NL portal, and the Scholars 4 Dev portal contains a list that is especially relevant to students from the Global South. The following sources are particularly noteworthy for applicants to the Research Master in Philosophy and Economics:

In addition:

  • Some businesses may agree to sponsor you.
  • Your local government may agree to sponsor you.

General information grants, scholarships and fellowships at EUR

Student with laptop

Erasmus Trustfonds Scholarship

This year, ESPhil has one scholarship available for an applicant meeting the requirements.

Logo of Erasmus Trustfonds.

The NL Scholarship

The scholarship is meant for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

Student in library

EUR Excellence Scholarship

This scholarship is for outstanding EUR-students who wish to pursue a second master at the EUR..

L-EARN for Impact Scholarship

Students sitting in the sun

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