About Molecular Medicine

Molecular Medicine

Developments in molecular and cell biology, such as studies on human genome variation and the control of stem cells, are reshaping many aspects of medical diagnosis and treatment. The rapid advancement of modern biomedical and computational technologies in this new century promises to provide many new tools to gain in-depth knowledge of the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling health and disease.

The Erasmus MC Master of Science in Molecular Medicine program is a two-year,120 EC, research master program, focusing on molecular cell biology, developmental biology, and molecular genetics. We aim to bring students to the forefront of current developments in biomedical science.

In 1999, the course program was given for the first time to a group of Erasmus MC medical students; accreditation by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO) followed in 2004, 2010, 2016 and was renewed in 2022.

The Erasmus MC departments clustered under Biomedical Sciences are responsible for the MSc Molecular Medicine program. Teachers, course directors, and chairpersons of the MSc program are leading scientists in the field of biomedical research and work in 20 different research departments within Erasmus MC. The MSc Molecular Medicine program functions in the context of the Erasmus MC Graduate School, the hub for Graduate programs at both Research Master and PhD level.

Many MSc graduates continue their careers as PhD students at Erasmus MC or elsewhere.  

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