Researcher profiles

  • mr. (Anne) ADM Janssen

    mr. (Anne) ADM Janssen
  • prof.dr. (Richard) RTJM Janssen

    prof.dr. (Richard) RTJM Janssen
  • (Lisa) LMS Janssen

    (Lisa) LMS Janssen
  • (Linda) LK Janssen - Pinkse

    (Linda) LK Janssen - Pinkse
  • (Alice) A Janssens, MSc

    Alice Janssens is a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. In December 2016 she began her fully-funded research…
    (Alice) A Janssens, MSc
  • (Nicolien) NS Janssens, MA

    (Nicolien) NS Janssens, MA
  • prof.dr. (Jeroen) J Jansz

    Prof. dr. Jeroen Jansz is Academic Director of the Community for Learning & Innovation and Full Professor of Communication and Media at Erasmus University…
    prof.dr. (Jeroen) J Jansz
  • dr. (Shyamika) SMS Jayasundara - Smits

      My research and teaching focuses broadly on the inter-connections of Governance, Development, Violent conflict and Peace(building). More…
    dr. (Shyamika) SMS Jayasundara - Smits
  • mr. (Jacky) J Jee

    mr. (Jacky) J Jee
  • (Sylke) SF Jellema, MSc

    Sylke Jellema is a PhD Candidate at the Business-Society Management department at the Rotterdam School of Management.  The overall theme of her PhD is…
    (Sylke) SF Jellema, MSc

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