A second life for our university's computers

Student zit in Polak Building met laptop op schoot te werken.
Employee working at the computer
Alexander Santos Lima

Every day, staff at Erasmus University Rotterdam use hundreds of laptops, PCs and various other devices such as screens. Due to their frequent use, these devices eventually run out of life. Instead of throwing the devices away, our university donates it to the Ecoware Foundation. This foundation gives the devices a second life and makes sure they end up with people and organisations that need them. "By doing this, we make a very concrete social and sustainable impact," says Jan-Paul Lottering of the Erasmus Digitalisation & Information Services (EDIS) department.

For several years now, our university has been donating devices to the Ecoware Foundation, and another donation of over 200 computers was made recently. The foundation ensures that the devices are fully cleaned, tested and repaired if necessary. They are then fitted with a new licensed Windows operating system. Finally, the equipment is donated to, for example, families who do not have sufficient financial resources to purchase a computer themselves.

Kind achter computer thuis

Sustainable and social impact

"With this, we grant the devices a second life and that is sustainable," says Jan-Paul Lottering, deputy director IT at the EDIS service. "It then goes to families in the Netherlands who have little to spend but need it for their children. So that they can also digitally participate in society. We thus facilitate education for children with parents who cannot afford it but do have the potential. With this, we are socially involved and focused on equal opportunities."

About Ecoware
The Zoetermeer-based Ecoware foundation not only refurbishes old computers, but also bicycles. It also offers a learning workplace for people distanced from the labour market. They learn skills with which they can participate in the labour process outside the foundation.

More information

Would you like more information about this? Or do you want to donate devices? Please contact the IT Service Desk via telephone number (010) 408 88 80 or by e-mail at it.servicedesk@eur.nl.

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