Every year, EUR employees traditionally receive an end-of-year gift. But did you know that as of this year, EUR employees can donate their gift to charity? This year the Voedselbank (Food Bank) was selected. Corporate identity/brand coordinator Alexandra van Doorn takes care of the end-of-year gifts every year. She talks about the initiative.
The activity took place on Thursday 22 December, who all helped?
“First of all, of course, all 193 colleagues who donated their end-of-year gift. Thank you from the entire end-of-year gifts team! In unboxing these gifts, a number of colleagues helped.”
What did you do?
"With a group of colleagues, we emptied the packages of donated end-of-year gifts. We removed the branded items from the packages. Employees who have donated their gifts can still pick up the branded items themselves. They will be notified on what dates they can pick them up. Then we spent several hours helping to pack the food boxes for people who rely on the Food Bank."

How was the atmosphere during packing?
“It was a successful morning. We teamed up with colleagues and rolled up our sleeves. Hopefully the contribution from the university will bring a little extra festive joy to clients of the Food Bank.”
Will this initiative be there again next year?
"Yes, definitely. The Food Bank is a great charity, but there are many different organisations that could definitely use all the help they can get right now. Maybe we will choose to help another charity next year."
Why do you think this initiative is important?
“It's heartbreaking to me that there are a lot of people in the Netherlands where it is not a given that you can provide for a basic need: food. The Food Bank and its volunteers do a fantastic job. I am proud that there are also a lot of colleagues who consider it a small effort to donate their own end-of-year gift. For those colleagues who donated their package, thank you again!”
- More information
Would you like to help with this fundraiser next year? Send an email to kerst@eur.nl.