Annelien Bredenoord: ‘It is essential to have as many different people walking around your institution as possible’

Campus Woudestein
Annelien Bredenoord looks into the camera.
Geisje van der Linden

Annelien Bredenoord, Rector Magnificus and incoming President of our university's Executive Board, was a guest on Dutch NPO radio programme Spraakmakers. She is also featured in Dutch newspaper FD Persoonlijk this week. In both interviews, she talks about the importance of diversity at the university as a prerequisite for solving social problems.

Staying relevant as a university

In Spraakmakers, Annelien Bredenoord, Rector Magnificus and, as of 1 September, Chairman of the Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam, explains that in times of upcoming budget cuts, universities must try even harder to ensure they remain relevant. To do so, it is essential to have as many different people as possible at your institution, she argues. 

Bredenoord: ‘Science in particular is about getting as close as possible to the truth or interpretations of it, and being able to discuss it with each other,’ she says in the broadcast. ‘If you all think the same and have the same background, there's less chance of that chafing and crackling. Ultimately, an impact university like ours is about being able to generate knowledge that benefits society.’

Diversity and inclusion, according to Bredenoord, must be in various facets of the organisation and supported and sustained by the top. From HR to research and teaching. ‘Only then can it become a success,’ Bredenoord says.

More diverse and inclusive

In 2021, Bredenoord, at 42, became the first female Rector of Erasmus University Rotterdam. At the time, Bredenoord saw in her new role as Rector the important task of increasing the percentage of female professors from 12 to 25 per cent. ‘In 2023, two years ahead of schedule, we achieved that 25 per cent,’ she told the FD. 

In response to the question whether Bredenoord believes in positive discrimination, she replies, ‘Absolutely. And now we are going to make sure that our professorial staff becomes more diverse in other areas as well: ethnic, cultural, international, sexual orientation, you name it.’

Previously, the main factor considered was how many publications in authoritative scientific journals someone had before they could become a professor. We need to move away from that, thinks Bredenoord. ‘The goal is to use your scientific knowledge to advance society. This can also be done in other ways: in a policy paper, on radio or TV, at a hearing in parliament. We need to recognise that there are more career paths towards associate professor and full professor.’

More information

Listen to the interview with Bredenoord and Semiha Denktaş (in Dutch) on Spraakmakers here. And read the full interview in the Financieele Dagblad (in Dutch).

Annelien Bredenoord has been appointed President of the Executive Board with effect from 1 September 2024. View Bredenoords profile

Read here what Erasmus University Rotterdam is doing about diversity and inclusion with the IDEA Center.

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