Alumnus and cosmetic doctor Shai Rambaran: 'You always need to be the best you can be'

Photo: Marie Cecile Thijs (c)

Photographer Marie Cecile Thijs portrayed thirty alumni for the alumni platform EUR Connect. Shai Rambaran is one of them. After his medicine degree, he became a cosmetic doctor. His advice to students: 'You always need to be the best you can be.'

What are your fondest memories of your student days? 
'I got to know a lot of new people who I’m still in touch with. I remember the tension and nerves before the exams, and then the happiness when passing the exams or sadness when failing some. 
The university was also really important in my own development as a person. I entered the university as a young, inexperienced boy, and I left with knowledge, self-confidence, and maturity.'

What does your typical workday look like? 
'Aesthetic medicine has always interested me: I like to make people prettier. I see patients every day, and my goal is to improve their appearance. It could concern a surgical treatment, an injectable or skin treatment. I try to make the results naturally pretty, so that people feel better about their appearance.'

'The university has made me ready for the world'

Alumnus Shai Rambaran

What are your dreams concerning your career? 
'To grow within my field so that I become the best at my job.'

How has your degree at EUR contributed to realising these dreams?
'The university has made me ready for the world. I matured at EUR and it gave me what I needed to start my career.'

Could EUR help you achieve your goals? 
'EUR could definitely help me by regularly offering training sessions, and to help me keep in touch with colleagues. That’s how you stay up to date.'

What advice would you give to students? 
'Enjoy your student life and make sure that you make the most of the opportunities you get.'


More information

Would you like to connect Shai Rambaran or other alumni? Join EUR Connect, the platform for alumni, students and staff of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

The photo exhibition 'All Inclusive, our community in 30 portraits' from Marie Cecile Thijs runs until 28 July 2019 at the Erasmus Paviljoen (Campus Woudestein).

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