After graduation

Finance and Investments

Was it worth the investment? The success of our graduates speaks for itself. Graduates of the Finance & Investments programme are in a position to perform many different finance-related jobs within many different organisations – and have excellent opportunities to do so. 

Our graduates today are working for companies that range from financial institutions, like investment and merchant banks (ABN-AMRO, Aegon, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs) to insurers (Aegon) and pension funds. Careers in government (Ministry of Finance, Stock Market Authorities) have also been pursued, as well as in multinational companies (Shell, Philips, Proctor & Gamble).  

Graduates choosing the CFA orientation generally start in positions such as junior financial analyst at a bank, mutual fund (e.g., Robeco, Fidelity) or pension fund (e.g., ABP or PGGM). They may also work as financial advisors accounting firms (e.g., Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers) and commercial banks (e.g., ING, Rabobank).

More academic challenges 

For MSc graduates who would like to advance their education further or who have ambitions within academia, we offer an additional years study leading to a Master of Philosophy in Business Research (MPhil) qualification. The selective MPhil programme allows you to combine education in a specialisation area of your choice with the challenges of undertaking scientific research in a specific field. This focus on research methods and techniques makes this programme a perfect preparation for a successful PhD study in management or business. Our PhD programme is three-years and facilitated by ERIM, our world-class research institute.

Career progress

Many students find positions within multinational firms and organisations, partially thanks to relationships they have developed with representatives from the world of business – as well as peers – during the programme’s corporate and other networking events. Students applying for jobs in their home countries are equipped with knowledge and skills to take with them.

Want to know more? Check out the MSc employment report and the RSM Career Centre

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