
Student smiling with a smile at the camera


Students are not always directly admissible to a master's degree programme of Erasmus School of Economics. Sometimes students are admissable to a pre-master programme. This is a one year preparatory programme designed to complete curses required for admission to the master programme. All courses in the pre-master programmes are bachelor-level courses. A completed pre-master does not entitle you to a bachelor's degree or diploma.

In order to be eligible for admission to any of our pre-master programmes, you must have obtained a relevant or related Bachelor's degree. The educational level and the content of the obtained Bachelor's degree of each applicant will be determined by the Examination Board and will be compared to the educational level of the Dutch system. Only demonstrable academic education comparable to two years of Dutch academic education and a degree with minor deficiencies in its content is sufficient for possible admission to the our pre-master programmes.

The pre-master Econometrics and Management Science prepares you for one of the specialisations within our MSc in Econometrics and Management Science. The pre-master programme is taught in two languages. Please note that students who obtained their Bachelor's degree in the Netherlands can only participate in the English taught pre-master programme when the bachelor degree programme was taught entirely in English.

This pre-master is designed for students with a background in econometrics and operations research, economics and mathematics, quantitative economics, (applied) mathematics, statistics or industrial engineering that do not qualify for direct admission to any of the specialisations within the MSc in Econometrics and Management Science. Applicants with a Bachelor's degree in Economics, Business Economics or Business Administration need to have a quantitative specialisation (such as a minor or major in econometrics, operations research or decision analysis) in order to apply.

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