Second Annual National Masterclass Research Support 2016

Second Annual National Masterclass Research Support 2016

This year, the National Masterclass on Research Support was hosted at the EUR. It turned, once again, out to be an opportunity for effective knowledge exchange. With two invites per University and speakers from Cambridge, the DCC and even the European Commission (DG Research), several benchmarks were made. Reflection on the several discussions learned that the current state of affairs for Research Support in The Netherlands can be summarised in three key messages:

  • Co-operate (between researchers and research support staff, as well as between research support staff at the various departments within a university)
  • Embrace the differences (a paradigm shift, necessary for truly supporting research, which nature is quite different from supporting standardised administrative business processes)
  • Embrace innovation
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About SURF Support4Research: 

The SURF Support4Research team initiated the first National Masterclass on Research Support last year. The masterclass was hosted in Maastricht. See here for an impression (Dutch only). In april the Support4Research team invited reserachers and research support staff at the acclaimed Research Boot Camp.

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