EUR student life on display in new exhibition

With her back to the camera, a young woman ascends the stairs in the Leeskabinet alcove, approaching tall and royally filled bookshelves.

From March 6 the exhibition Associate! EUR student communities is on display in the University Library. With objects from a variety of associations, the exhibition tells the story of EUR student life. Diverse but with a focus on community, the objects show how themes such as internationality, shared interests, and sports manifest in student associations.

What catches the eye are the Wayang Golek puppets from the Indonesian Student Association in Rotterdam (Perkumpulan Pelajar Indonesia Rotterdam). More items are on display that represent the character of the associations in their own ways, like the gender-neutral toilet signs from Erasmus Pride and a swimming cap from the swimming and water polo association. The exhibition is open for viewing in the displays of the University Library until the end of May, or available onlineOpens external.