Database list and Collections by discipline renewed

The alphabetical database list and the Collections by discipline (hereafter: guides) in the UL have a new look. This makes databases, journals, books and other sources easier to find.

The alphabetical list of databases

The new alphabetical list of databasesOpens external is easier to browse and filter by subject or database type - these options are listed together on 1 page. In the new system the subject Development Studies is also available.

The list of databases  has been cleaned up: ‘individual’ journals and reference works are listed at relevant guides by discipline wherever possible. But there are still over 250 databases in the list. We use the term database in a broad context: it may be a journal package from a publisher, a subject-specific database, a collection of e-books, a library catalogue, historical sources or a newspaper database.

If you wish to share a link to a specific database or e-mail it, this is very easy to do via the Share icon. Most databases also have their own friendly URL, starting with external. The icons by the name of a database provide more information about access (access from home via EZproxy, access just from the EUR campus, Open Access).

Guides by discipline

The collections by discipline have been replaced by Guides by disciplineOpens external in LibGuides. On these pages you will find the main databases, journals and other sources for your discipline, selected by the Faculty Liaisons.