17th of June: Seminar Research Impact & Relevance: How to Publish a World-class Paper

Logo seminar Research impact & relevance
Logo seminar Research impact & relevance

Date: Tuesday June 17th 2014, 1:00-4:30 pm
Venue:  CB-5
Organisers: University Library EUR, in collaboration with Elsevier and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University.

This seminar is especially designed for early career researchers and PhD candidates. Senior staff, students and support staff are also welcome to attend. The seminar’s concept has already proven to be successful at many universities worldwide, including the Dutch universities of Wageningen, Delft and Maastricht.

Prof. dr. Huib Pols, Rector Magnificus of the Erasmus University, is the opening speaker. During the seminar participants will learn about the publishing process and the ways in which authors can influence the success of their publications. Drs. Carl Schwarz, Elsevier’s Publishing Director in Life Sciences, will present editorial policies, programs to support and collaborate with scientists and best practices. Successful EUR researchers in the Social Sciences and Medicine will give insight into their strategic choices in disseminating research results, choice of audience, journals and forms of publication.

The program will end with a presentation on what research impact looks like, how you can influence your impact and what is needed to boost your scientific career. Concerns about the influence of current valuation practices of research quality and scientific output will also be addressed.

More information

You can register here. For more info, please visit the blog.

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