EDSC remote access

This service should only be used by EUR staff members

EDSC offers 24hrs remote access to: Eikon/Datastream and Morningstar.

Access to these VM's is only intended for EUR staff members*

Booking info:

  • 1 booking a day (for each virtual machine)
  • 4 hour timeslot
  • Max 7 days in advance
  • First time users: have a look at the manual in the confirmation mail
  • The confirmation mail also includes the .rdp needed to connect to the virtual machine

Booking calendars 

Eikon/Datastream 1
Eikon/Datastream 2
Eikon/Datastream 3

If you have questions regarding the remote access, please contact edsc@eur.nl

* Bookings by students will be cancelled and you risk being put on a blacklist. Which will lead to exclusion from the remote access services for students as well.

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