Are you looking for a book, a book chapter, a journal article, or a conference paper? You are in the right place!
You can use our discovery tool sEURch for a simple or advanced search. Read more on how to use sEURch.
Are you not completely sure with which resources you should start your search? If so, your search journey will probably depend on several factors. For example:
- Why would you like to access a resource (e.g., are you just curious or do you have an assignment or a thesis to complete)?
- What is your background (e.g., do you already know a bit about the topic or are you an expert)?
- How much time do you have (e.g., no limit, a semester to complete the dissertation).
As a rule of thumb, if you have limited knowledge on the topic, you can start with the:
- Books on a single topic that involves multiple chapters written by different authors;
- Most recent journal articles, in particular meta-analyses and systematic reviews;
- Dissertations.
If you have some knowledge on the topic, you can start with the:
- Databases by subject;
- General databases;
- Conference papers.
Books are great resources to start your search to acquire a general overview on the topic. You can find compact information about your research topic, usually from the perspective of several authors. Via sEURch, you can access a variety of books.
Via sEURch, you can access a variety of books such as print books, e-books, dissertations and Braille books. Type the title of the book, author(s’) name, ISBN number, or your keywords to explore what sEURch has to offer.
Find out how to borrow a book.
In case you are looking for a specific edition or volume of a book, please check the sEURch manual.
Is the book or a single book chapter not in the collections of the EUR libraries? You may request the book or a single chapter via interlibrary loan. Please note that there might be a fee involved.
Journal articles
Journals are crucial resources to delve into the most recent articles in your field. Via sEURch, you can access academic, subject-specific and multidisciplinary journals, typically both in print and/or electronic format.
Conference proceedings
Conference proceedings (collection of academic papers and/or posters presented by researchers to their fellow researchers during a conference) are great resources to keep up to date with the most recent advancements in your field of interest. They can be a source of inspiration and a network expander as they provide you with the latest information even before the research described in a conference paper is transformed into a journal article and is hence submitted to a journal. You can find conference proceedings in databases such as Scopus.
The Library purchases subscriptions to databases to assist you in your research, learning, and teaching. They involve a wealth of materials such as peer-reviewed journals, e-books, magazines, newspaper articles, legislation and jurisprudence, working papers, images, videos and so on.
To perform a search in databases, you can look at the information skills e-modules, where you will be able to find an introduction to the search techniques and methods.
Subject-specific databases involve journals in a specific field or discipline. For example, you can find dozens of databases for Pedagogical and Educational Sciences and even more for Economics and Business Management. Check our guides that give you an overview of recommended sources per discipline.
General/multidisciplinary databases include journals from a variety of subjects. Some examples:
Although it is tempting to use Google and Google Scholar to look up journal articles, using library databases might offer you a variety of full-text articles in a reliable way. To search in a well-considered way, select the databases in which you want to search.
You can find hundreds of databases in alphabetical order and their brief description via the Library website. You can also select a database type, by subject, or use the search box..
Can’t you find or access the article or paper you are looking for? Check our How to access full texts flyer with multiple ways to access a full text without potentially hitting a paywall.
If you still can’t find or access the journal article or conference paper that you looked for, then you can use interlibrary loan. Please note that there might be a fee involved.
Suggest a purchase
Is the book that you looked for not in the collection of the EUR libraries and do you believe that it is a pity? Please submit a purchase suggestion that involves the details of the book and why you think we should have it in our collection, for whom and to what faculties it might be useful. We will consider your suggestion as soon as possible.
How to access full texts?
There are multiple ways to access a full text without hitting a paywall.

Learn more on searching for literature
with our e-modules Search methods & techniques