Sustainability Summit 2024

What can universities do to enable a just and sustainable society?
Header for the EUR Sustainability Summit 2024
Friday 11 Oct 2024, 09:00 - 17:30

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences - Kralingse Zoom 91, 3063 ND Rotterdam

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Studenten zijn bezig met het verduurzamen van de campus

We are very happy to announce that we will finally welcome higher education institutions and organizations from across The Netherlands on the 11th of October 2024 at Hogeschool Rotterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Together, we’ll reimagine the role of universities in shaping a just and sustainable society and foster a collaborative movement within Dutch academia. Regardless of our fields of study or research, the desire to leave behind a thriving planet for future generations unites us all.

Currently, however, the traditional university setup falls short in addressing the big sustainability challenges we face. Bound by disciplinary lines and linear knowledge transfer, collaboration and innovation suffer. 

But universities have the potential to lead the way towards sustainability. Across the Netherlands, universities (of applied sciences) are beginning to integrate sustainability into their operations, research, and education. Yet, there's more to be done. How can we further enhance these efforts and amplify each other's impact? 

Now is the time for us to work together 

The Sustainability Summit 2024 invites students and staff from the EUR community and Hogeschool Rotterdam, as well as peers from other higher education institutions across the Netherlands, to come together, share insights, and collectively devise common strategies. The event is organized by the Design Impact Transition Office of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Hogeschool Rotterdam.

Your voice is crucial now more than ever 

After the postponement in May due to the closing of the campus facilities, we felt that, more than ever, participation and involvement will be central in facing the current challenges that society is facing. For this reason, the Summit aims to ensure everyone is represented – students, staff, researchers – offering workshops and hands-on sessions where active participation in decision-making is encouraged. 

The EUR Sustainability Summit 2024 is open to everyone, for free! The event will unite researchers, educators, and support staff from all HE institutions in the Netherlands to discuss sustainability, climate change, social challenges, and the future of academia. This event will strengthen the EUR's collaboration with universities, applied universities, and knowledge institutions by connecting people and building coalitions for joint projects. The Summit will support various sustainability initiatives and present a unified voice to influence the government, funders, and other stakeholders. All the activities will be tailored to give a concrete voice and space for our community to express, create and decide about the future of sustainability. 

  • Thematic workshops, discussions and talks on the future of academia linked to sustainability and innovation. Actions steps will be taken to keep nurturing the Summit’s results.  
  • Join the announcement of new interuniversity initiatives and discover the role you can have.
  • Discover the Sustainability Future Fair, a new update of the Summit! Several booths will be there presenting projects and initiatives revolving around sustainability in academia across the country. A perfect occasion to check what’s happening around you and explore possible opportunities.

9.00 - 9.30Welcome with coffee, tea and music registration
9.30 - 9.50Plenary welcome speech by organizers: goals of the day, programme and logistics
9.50 - 10.00Welcome speech by Annelien Bredenoord, Rector Magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam and Sarah Wilton –Welsh, Chair of the Executive Board Hogeschool Rotterdam
10.00 - 10.20Keynote: the importance of new education and research for a thriving sustainable future by Kees Klomp, Activist, Researcher, and Developer
10.20 - 10.50Panel discussion: science, climate and future with Dr. Michiel van den Hout, Director KIN, Aniek Moonen, EUR student Master Societal Transitions and former chair of the Young Climate Movement and Prof. Dr. Heleen de Coninck, Professor of Socio-Technical Innovation and Climate Change at Eindhoven University
10.50 - 11.00Closing plenary
11.00 - 11.15Break snack and drinks
11.15 - 13.00

“Towards a Communiqué for Universities in Sustainability Transition” disciplines dialogues

The Discipline Dialogues aim to provide a platform for participants to share ideas and experiences on transforming their disciplines to support sustainability. Through discussions and small group work, participants will brainstorm and develop new strategies, principles, and actions to advance sustainability within their specific fields. The outcomes will be synthesized into a Shared Vision for Sustainability in Academia, guiding institutions in adopting sustainable practices and fostering a culture of sustainability across all disciplines.

  • Engineering, planning, built environment with Arjan van Timmeren, TU Delft
  • Natural sciences with William Voorberg, researcher at Naturalis Biodiversity Center
  • Medical & Healthcare with prof. dr. ir. Lex Burdorf, Erasmus MC
  • Social sciences with prof.dr. Derk Loorbach, director of DRIFT and Professor at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Humanities with Prof. Edwin van Meerkerk, Radboud Institute for Culture and History
  • Business, economics & entrepreneurship with dr. Bas Karreman, Erasmus School of Economics, and prof.dr. Dirk Schoenmaker, Rotterdam School of Management
  • Green Offices: how to create sustainable communities on campus with Erasmus Sustainability Hub
13.00 - 14.15Lunch Break & Opening Sustainability Future Fair
14.15 - 15.45 (Fair is closed during these workshops)

Thematic workshops

The thematic workshops are crafted to tackle diverse themes - from external partnerships to transdisciplinary research - that can facilitate sustainability within our disciplines, institutions, and society. The workshops aim at providing the participants with awareness on the specific topics and ongoing strategies, together with active spaces where to discuss and shape new actions.

  • Building sustainable external partnerships with Constanze Binder, co-director of the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) and programme director of the Research Master programme in Philosophy and Economics
  • Engaging local communities: designing sustainability initiatives with Florian Wijker, programme lead education at the strategic initiative Erasmus Verbindt
  • Sustainable education: what future are we educating for? with Ginie Servant-Miklos, Assistant Professor Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Rosa Groen, Coordinator Programme Global Citizenship at Hogeschool The Hague
  • Transforming Research – Creating contexts for meaningful transdisciplinary collaboration TBA
  • Connecting the bubbles, a holistic vision for a sustainable academia in 2030 with Anne Urai and Sanli Faez (Green Young Academy)
15.45 - 16.30Closing Plenary
16.30 - 17.30Sustainability Future Fair & Aperitif

Please use the form below to register for the event. Make sure to check your email for regular updates on programme, speakers and sessions.  

We encourage you to contemplate which workshops you'd like to attend during the Summit beforehand. Upon arrival at the welcome desk on the respective day of the Summit, you can enroll in your preferred workshop.  
P.S. Workshops spots are limited, so please consider other options beside your preferred one.  

The EUR Sustainability Summit is open to all! Don't forget to share the registration link with everyone interested in attending.

The Summit will now be held at Hogeschool Rotterdam - Kralingse Zoom. Participants will receive more details about how to reach the location, accessibility and how to reach the location from Campus Woudenstein.

If you are interested in showcasing your project, idea or initiative related to sustainability, please take a look at the guide you will find attached. Feel free to reach out at for any question.

Registration form

Role Contains required fields
If you are not a "student" or "academic staff", please enter "-" in this question.
If you are not an "employee", please enter "-" in this question.
Higher education institution Contains required fields
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Which of the disciplines workshops are you interested in the most?
P.S. Remember that this is just a preference indication and does not constitute a registration for the workshop. The registrations will be operated during the check-in at the Summit.
Which of the thematic workshops are you interested in the most?
P.S. Remember that this is just a preference indication and does not constitute a registration for the workshop. The registrations will be operated during the check-in at the Summit.

Erasmus University Rotterdam handles your information confidentially. Your data will only be used for logistical purposes of this event. After this event has taken place, all data will be deleted. More information: Privacy Statement.

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More information

Would you like to know more about the summit? If you are curious about the summit and other sustainability initiatives, please reach out via

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