There are many different paths to take after a bachelor’s in Liberal Arts & Sciences, because the programme offers many disciplines and most students keep that broad interest during their studies. EUC offers support to her students with their future oriented steps: what to do after graduating from EUC, and how to prepare for that? For instance, some students want to take a gap year before continuing with a master programme. How to make that gap year worthwhile and meaningful? And how to choose the right master programme and how to prepare the application?
Career Support at EUC is set up with several parties within the EUC community.
First year students take part in the Personal Development Track. This programme support students with personal development; and that is where professional development starts. During that first year, students are asked to continuously work on short-term and long-term goals, talk to their peers about their progression, and they meet their EUC mentor several times. The major coordinators and Head of Departments are available for personal meetings to discuss study plans and future career options.
The Student Association EUCSA has a Future Committee that organises events, where students get information and inspiration for ‘Life After EUC’. For instance, twice a year an alumni panel is organised in collaboration with the alumni association ACES. During the panel, alumni share what they have done after completing EUC. Hearing alumni stories helps students to see what the possibilities are in terms of masters, gap years and internships. During the Q&A, students can ask specific questions about making choices, how to find an internship, the connection between a Liberal Arts & Sciences bachelor and a specialized master, etc.
EUC’s Careers Advisor can also be approached for future questions. Next to having personal meetings, the Careers Advisor organises workshops and information sessions.
At central university level, the department Career Services helps students of all the faculties. The primary goal of Career Services is to provide students and alumni with the tools and skills they need to launch successful job searches that will lead to fulfilling careers. Appointments can be made for personal questions, and workshops can be followed for general topics like ‘how to write a good motivation letter’ or ‘how to prepare a job interview’.