
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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  • Management of International Social Challenges
    Bachelor in Management of International Social Challenges: Are you interested in solving social problems that transcend national borders? Learn more.
  • Beleid en Politiek
    This Dutch master specialisation focuses on how to realise effective and legitimate policies in complex contexts.
  • Governance en Management van Complexe Systemen
    In this Dutch master we seek solutions for policy issues for which there are no simple solutions.
  • Management van HR en verandering
    In this Dutch master's specialisation, you will learn all about HR and change management in public organisations.
  • Publiek Management
    In this Dutch master's specialisation, you will learn to research and address current strategic issues.
  • Onderwijswetenschappen
    Would you like to contribute to innovations in education, then this is the right (Dutch) master for you.
  • Governance of Migration and Diversity - Public Administration
    Master Governance of Migration and Diversity - Public Administration: A specific focus on policies, politics and governments at various levels: Read more.
  • International Public Management and Public Policy
    Master in International Public Management and Public Policy: This study focuses on the increasingly international nature of public management and policy-making.
  • Bestuurskunde
    Bachelor in Bestuurskunde: Wil jij een bijdrage leveren aan het oplossen van maatschappelijke vraagstukken: Ontdek de opleiding.
  • Sociologie
    Pre-master in Sociologie: Je krijgt de kennis en vaardigheden aangereikt om een van de masterspecialisaties in Sociologie succesvol te kunnen doorlopen.

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