
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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  • Welcome
    Welcome new students
  • From Lab to Society
    From Lab to Society The research of the Department of Psychology, Education & Child Studies (DPECS) is since its beginning…
  • Locations
    Erasmus University Rotterdam color-1 Campus Woudestein …
  • Study in Rotterdam
    Studying in Rotterdam, what do you need to know? Read more about student life in Rotterdam and what our city offers you.
  • Public Administration and Organisational Science (Research Master)
    Do you want to become able to help governments better solve societal problems like climate, migration and digitalisation?
  • Clinical Psychology
    This master's track focuses on psychopathology within adults, with the scientific approach as a central element.
  • Governance of Migration and Diversity - Sociology
    Master in Governance of Migration and Diversity – Sociology: This study focuses on sociological theories and research about the drivers of migration.
  • International Bachelor in Psychology
    International Bachelor in Psychology. Do you strive to understand why humans behave the way they do? Find out more.
  • Arbeid, Organisatie en Management
    In this Dutch master specialization, you will learn to analyse public and private organisations from a sociological perspective.
  • Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid
    If you decide to study this Dutch MSc, you will immerse yourself in current, social issues of contemporary cities.

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