
2248 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Vital Cities and Citizens publishes third policy brief: Conditions for community resilience
    Within the Rotterdam Impact Study COVID-19, Vital Cities and Citizens publishes a policy brief advocating innovative Rotterdam policy.
  • 1984 and the surveillance society
    "Big Brother is watching you!" is George Orwell's most famous line from Nineteen Eighty-Four. Has the surveillance society as Orwell describes it in the book…
  • 5 hidden examples of Rotterdam as a smart city
    Rotterdam is a smart city. Here are 5 examples.
  • Fathers do more in the house, they say, since corona crisis
    Renske Keizer, professor of family sociology, researches with her team the family functioning before and during the corona crisis.
  • Impact of COVID-19 on children depends on family context and intrapersonal characteristics
    Psychologist Dr. Brian P. Godor and Dr. Ruth van der Hallen are investigating coping and resiliency in young adults during this COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Researching vital city culture in corona times
    PhD candidate Karen Klijnhout zooms in on processes and standards of evaluation and legitimation of art. In this blog, she reflects on what the current Corona…
  • ESSB research on impact coronavirus
    The outbreak of COVID-19 has motivated researchers at the ESSB to investigate the effects and consequences of the coronavirus and the announced measures on…
  • Open a lab during quarantine? It’s possible!
    Hoogleraar 'Developmental Neuroscience in Society' Eveline Crone en onderzoeksteam starten virtueel lab tijdens coronacrisis. 
  • Launch website Society, Youth, and Neuroscience Connected (SYNC) lab
    The SYNC-lab is an initiative of the new department of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences led by…
  • Vital Cities and Citizens involved in Rotterdam impact study COVID-19
    How can Rotterdam effectively recover from the corona crisis? And how can the resilience and future resilience of the city be increased? The COVID-19 impact…

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