Does social media contribute to health disparities among youngsters? That is what Esther Rozendaal will research with a Rotterdam consortium over the next years
Online hurtful behaviour is increasingly common. Research by Esther Rozendaal and Chiara de Jong shows that people don't always stand up for the victims.
Moniek Buijzen has been named an International Communication Association fellow. She now officially belongs to the top of international communication science.
Researchers Moniek and Esther, along with Micky from the Dutch Media Literacy Network, talk about how they teach young people about the impact of social media.
Rafique and Maxime completed the minor Positive behavioural change in the digital age. They designed interventions for better contraception choices and phubbing
Research by Thabo van Woudenberg shows that there is a mutual relationship between exercise and happiness. He therefore wants to encourage young people to keep
Moniek Buijzen is een van de zes genomineerden voor de Huibregtsenprijs 2020 met haar baanbrekende project naar gezondheidscampagnes voor jongeren ter…
Professor Moniek Buijzen (EUR) legt in de Volkskrant, het NRC en NOS uit dat bij campagne van RIVM voor jongeren het tonen van begrip voor hun situatie…
Gabriella Agyei (22), born in Italy to Ghanaian parents, studies migration governance at Erasmus University Rotterdam, shaped by her family’s migration history.