Why this research?
The world is becoming more interconnected. Global challenges therefore require a coordinated response. At the same time, the institutions that govern our global financial system are under increasing pressure. We must therefore look for a new global financial architecture. A system with institutions and governance mechanisms that go beyond those created in the aftermath of the Second World War.
Two challenges
Within this research theme, we focus on the governance reform of global financial systems. In this, we pay particular attention to two challenges.
1. Coordination of international financial institutions
The first challenge is to streamline the coordination of international financial institutions, as promoted by the G20 EPG report. This new way of organizing and governing must be done in a way that preserves democratic legitimacy and national diversity.
2. The impact of growing power in financial institutions
The second challenge focuses on the theme that financial institutions are growing in size and power. We investigate what consequences this can have for households and businesses. And what that means for the security of global development projects, for example.

Dr. Pieter Tuytens
"The world has changed irreversibly. There are multiple superpowers, so decision-making is decentralized. And yet we are more interconnected than ever. Our greatest challenge is to create a cooperative international order for this world."