Researcher profiles

  • (Thijs) MJ Lindner, MSc

    Thijs Lindner is PhD-candidate within the Curious Constellations of Political Disputes project, which studies how groups in the Netherlands differently…
    (Thijs) MJ Lindner, MSc
  • dr. (Marianne) M Littel

    dr. (Marianne) M Littel
  • (Zhanna) Z van Loenen - Sarukhanyan, MSc

    (Zhanna) Z van Loenen - Sarukhanyan, MSc
  • (Rick) EK van Logchem, MSc

    (Rick) EK van Logchem, MSc
  • (Kelly) KL Longfellow, MSc

    (Kelly) KL Longfellow, MSc
  • (Liselotte) ALC van Loon - Dikkers

    (Liselotte) ALC van Loon - Dikkers
  • prof.dr. (Derk) DA Loorbach

    prof.dr. (Derk) DA Loorbach
  • ir. (Andre) ATA Loozekoot

    ir. (Andre) ATA Loozekoot
  • dr. (Sofie) SMM Loyens

    Problem-based learning (and constructivism) Conceptual change Motivation from an SDT-perspective Approaches to learning and study strategies Self-regulated and…
    dr. (Sofie) SMM Loyens
  • prof.dr. (Nicole) N Lucassen

    [Information on research in English, see below] Nicole Lucassen onderzoekt als bijzonder hoogleraar de effectiviteit van interventies gericht op kinderen en…
    prof.dr. (Nicole) N Lucassen

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