Ginie Servant-Miklos appointed as Associate Member Club of Rome

Behavioural scientist Dr. Ginie Servant-Miklos, Erasmus University Rotterdam, is appointed to the Club of Rome as Associate Member. She is an engaged environmental educator and experienced in education practice, research, and advocacy. The Club of Rome is an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. 

The Club of Rome is a platform of diverse thought leaders who identify holistic solutions to complex global issues and promote policy initiatives and action to enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies. Their report “Limits to Growth” in 1972, shocked the world. The organisation has prioritised five key areas of impact: Emerging New Civilisations; Planetary Emergency; Reframing Economics; Rethinking Finance; and Youth Leadership and Intergenerational Dialogues.

Ginie Servant-Miklos is honoured to join this organisation that has played such a pioneering role in bringing planetary boundaries to the forefront of public discourse since the 1970s. Ginie: “I want to make the best of this opportunity to disseminate my message of realistic hope for young people and share my passion for environmental and social justice with a broader international audience. It’s exciting to see the resonance that my book Pedagogies of Collapse: a Hopeful Education for the End of the World as we Know it (published by Bloomsbury on November 28) is already having. I hope that my appointment at the Club of Rome contributes to ESSB’s impact-driven mission for a sustainable future. “

About Ginie Servant-Miklos

Dr. Ginie Servant-Miklos currently holds an Assistant Professorship in behavioural sciences at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences in Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her research and education work focuses on developing innovative pedagogies for societal impact. She developed the Experimental Pedagogics educational design framework, co-founded the Bildung Climate School with Prof. Rutger Engels, and is the author of Pedagogies of Collapse: a Hopeful Education for the End of the World as we Know it, November 2024. She is a Senior Fellow of the Comenius Network for educational innovators in The Netherlands. She is the founder and chair of the board of the FairFight Foundation, an organisation that provides girls and women from Zambia, Zimbabwe and India with the mental and physical benefits of martial arts practice, as well as educational support. Ginie is a vocal activist for sustainability and gender equality, advocating for change through public engagements like TEDx talks, debates, podcasts and other digital media outlets.

More information

Marjolein Kooistra, communication ESSB,

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