During your study

Pre-Master Philosophy
Campus woudestein in summer

Erasmus Verbindt

The university-wide student initiative Erasmus Verbindt (Dutch for ‘Erasmus Connects’) explores, strengthens and intensifies the relationship between the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and the city of Rotterdam. With this initiative, EUR-students want to actively contribute to the translation of academic insights into societal improvement. Visit the website of Erasmus Verbindt for more information.

Philosophical Faculty Association ERA

ERA is the faculty association of Erasmus School of Philosophy. ERA’s ambition is to inspire students on an academic and a personal level. To achieve this, ERA organises interesting pub lectures, cultural activities and study trips. ERA welcomes all philosophy students. As a member of ERA, students will also receive our faculty magazine ‘Twijfel’, with philosophical articles and interviews of, with and by students and academic staff.

Visit the website of ERA for more information.

Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy (ESJP)

The Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy (ESJP) is a double-blind peer-reviewed student journal which gives students of Erasmus School of Philosophy the opportunity to publish their best philosophical papers. Published papers have been nominated by the teacher of the course for which they were written and subjected to double-blind peer review by at least one other teacher and two student editors who act as referees.

The ESJP aims to further enrich the philosophical environment in which Rotterdam’s philosophy students develop their thinking and bring their best work to the attention of a wider intellectual audience. 

Visit the website of the ESJP for more information.

In addition to the organisations mentioned above there are lots of other student organisations ranging from arts, culture and sports, to international, work, career & entrepreneurship and religious. For an overview of all other student organisations visit the EUR website.

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