Faculty Colloquia

Overview Rotterdam Campus Woudestein

Below is an overview of last year's colloquia. The overview for this year will be published as soon as possible. 

The Faculty Colloquia aim to cover the broad scope of Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil), in analytic and continental philosophy as well as the history of philosophy. Speakers are free in their choice of the subject-matter of their talks, but are requested to present a talk accessible to all philosophers, students notably included.

14 November 2023Erasmus on TrustBrian Cummings
6 December 2023Dissemblage. Making Multiplicity, not IdentitiesGerlad Raunig
February 2024--
11 April 2024Three Arguments for Kantian EthicsPauline Kleingeld
07 May 2024Rethinking the coordinates of critique against the tide of algorithmic realism.Antoinette Rouvroy

Contact person

Portretfoto Eddie Adelmund

Eddie Adelmund

Marketing and Communication Officer

Email address
010 408 89 79
Bayle Building

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