About the Faculty

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 Daring to think about the things that matter 

Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil) of Erasmus University Rotterdam is a leading research and teaching institution in the Netherlands. The faculty has a broad international orientation, with many international students and staff members and strong connections with universities abroad. Our research programs are internationally leading in our field.

Students are very satisfied with the programs offered by ESPhil. We have two Bachelor programmes: the Dutch BA Philosophy and the international Bachelor in Philosophy of a Specific Discipline. In the Master you can choose the regular Master Philosophy Now (1 year) or the Research Master Philosophy & Economics (2 years).

Guided by dedicated lecturers, students delve into various philosophical topics, ranging from philosophy of early Enlightenment up to post-modern continental philosophy; from ethics to philosophy of science and metaphysics. Our curriculum is emphatically involved with the current philosophical and societal debates and our research addresses for collaborative themes: The making of Modernity; Human conditions; Philosophy of economics; The structure of science and reality.

ESPhil enables students to become critical thinkers and engaged scholars by developing their academic skills and encouraging them to practice philosophy in multiple societal settings.


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