Diversity, inclusion, and social safety

Mission Statement 

At Erasmus School of Philosophy, we are committed to creating a good working and learning environment for all the members of our community. We value and cherish differences and strive to create a space that reflects our values. Together we work towards up-to-date standards concerning diversity, inclusion, and safer space policies at our School. 

Diversity and Inclusion Committee 

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee understands its work as putting in motion relevant impulses and processes toward a more diverse and inclusive institution. We build on our discipline’s potential to re-think and critically question acclaimed assertions. Our broader aim is to monitor and assist an institutional cultural transition towards a philosophical education and research environment reflecting 21st-century societies and their diverse constituency. 

What do we do? 

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee at ESPhil consults the School’s different boards and entities concerning questions related to diversity and inclusion. Its scope is broad, ranging from teaching and research to a healthy and safer work environment. It aims to provide a diverse, inclusive, and respectful approach to studying and working at ESPhil.  

Currently, the Committee focuses on the following tasks: 

  • Monitoring activities and developments at ESPhil in relation to possible diversity and inclusion issues.  
  • Being a point of reference and a resource for students and staff on questions of inclusion and diversity. 
  • Reviewing the curriculum of the various study programs and collaborating with the Program Management Team (PMT) to ensure a balanced and critical approach in relation to an inclusive and diverse study experience. 
  • Encourage the inclusion of diverse perspectives in our curriculum, for instance by supporting colleagues interested in diversifying their syllabi. 
  • Conducting and evaluating a survey on gender representation at ESPhil.  
  • Facilitating expert-led awareness events, such as workshops on the value of diversity, bystander support, etc.  
  • Being our School’s relay to university-wide entities such as Safe@EUR and other diversity and inclusion-related bodies and initiatives.  
  • Advising the Faculty Board, Faculty Council, Program Committees, and Research Theme Groups on diversity and inclusion-related topics.  

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is available for all members of the ESPhil community and can be contacted at: diversityandinclusion@esphil.eur.nl.

Gender Minorities Network (ESPhil Gems) 

The ESPhil Gems network is a network open to all employees who identify as women or non-binary in our School. It aims to provide an inclusive, informal, and flexible space for us to express our thoughts, share our experiences, and support each other as members of underrepresented groups within our School. We meet on a regular basis for informal gatherings, to exchange experiences and to contact similar networks at other schools. Furthermore, we aim to organize additional activities and meetings that cater to specific needs and topics of interest. 

For information, to join our mailing list, or to get involved, you can contact Katharina Bauer (bauer@esphil.eur.nl), Constanze Binder (binder@esphil.eur.nl), or Giulia Napolitano (napolitano@esphil.eur.nl). 

D&I Committee

  • Constanze Binder

    Associate Professor of Philosophy

  • Christoph Brunner looking into the camera
    Christoph Brunner

    Assistant Professor for Philosophy of Media and Technology

  • Fenna Deinum

    Study Advisor and Tutor Coordinator

  • Eveline Groot

    PhD Candidate

  • Giulia Napolitano
    Giulia Napolitano

    Assistant Professor

  • Han van Ruler

    Professor of Intellectual History and Vice-Dean

  • Portrait photo Navid Fardin
    Navid Fardin

    Student member

  • Portrait picture Derman Tacyildiz
    Umut Derman Taçyıldız

    Student member

Confidentiality Counsellors

  • Constanze Binder looks into the camera.
    Constanze Binder

    Associate Professor of Philosophy

  • Prof. dr. L. van Bunge
    Wiep van Bunge

    Professor of the history of philosophy

Faculty Diversity Officer

  • Han van Ruler

    Professor of Intellectual History and Vice-Dean

Prevention Officer

  • Mw. M. Westerveld MA
    Marloes Westerveld

    Office Manager

ESPhil Statement on Social Safety

In February 2023, the ESPhil faculty board published a general statement on social safety that was distributed to all staff and students. You can download it down below.