
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Zoltán Dujisin
    Zoltán Dujisin is a Marie Curie Leading Fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and his research interests include sociology of knowledge and politics of memory…
  • Jasmin Seijbel
    Jasmin Seijbel is working as a PhD researcher within the research project ‘Sport and the Nation’ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oonk (promotor) and Dr. Van…
  • Mohamad Meqdad
    Mohamad Meqdad is a PhD candidate, supervised by Prof. dr. Dick Douwes, supported jointly by Erasmus University Rotterdam and Aga Khan University, London. …
  • Theory of History and Historical Culture
    Theory of History and Historical Culture
  • Chat with our students
    Chat with one of our students to find out more about Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, specific programmes or the student life in Rotterdam.
  • Keynote speaker PAC Conference
    The keynote speaker, Ruth Kronenburg, will share her expert view on the transformation of the media and communication field during the pandemic.
  • Session: Media, Culture & Creative Industries
    In this session, we will discuss how the pandemic has reshaped the Media & Creative Industries (PAC event).
  • Positively Shocking! NWO VIDI project
    Positively Shocking! The Redistributive Impact of Mass Mortality through Epidemic Diseases and Violent Conflict in Early Modern Northwest Europe NWO VIDI…
  • The cultural non-visitor
    Koen van Eijck and Evert Bisschop-Boele studied the phenomenon of the cultural non-visitor for the Dutch Government. Read more about the report they wrote about
  • Pursuing a master's in Media Studies
    Information about pursuing a master's in Media Studies.

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