
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Registration
    Welcome to the registration page for the 9th biennial Surveillance & Society conference of the Surveillance Studies Network, hosted by EUR.
  • Registration Fees
    Below is the information on conference registration fees. All fees include the €60 SSN membership.
  • Publication Opportunity
    The authors of top papers will be invited to submit their work for inclusion in a Conference Special Issue of Surveillance & Society.
  • Sign up as a fieldtrip company
    Where alumni can sign up as a fieldtrip company
  • Share internships or vacancies
    Where alumni can share internships or vanacies.
  • Become a volunteer
    Where alumni can support the future generation as volunteers.
  • Tell us your story
    Where alumni can share their story.
  • Information about fee waivers
    The Surveillance Studies Network is pleased to announce the SSN Conference 2022 Student Fee Waiver Program.
  • The recursive effect of communication on technological innovation and AI development practices
    PhD research by Tessa Oomen, titled 'The recursive effect of communication on technological innovation and AI development practices'.
  • Responsible Organizations: Communication, Change and Society (ROCCS)
    The ROCCS research cluster connects researchers of various disciplines who aim to address the dynamic interplay of organizations, media, and publics.

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