
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Organisation and contact
    Organisation committee Image Name Prof. dr. Ben Wubs …
  • Event impression and media
    Watch the replay of the event here! Prefer…
  • Speakers
    As the programme is still expanding keep an eye out for recently added speakers. We are proud to present you the following confirmed speakers of our event!
  • Multiplier event programme
    We are proud to have presented to you a diverse programme, which was filled with insights from the members of the project, industry experts and students. …
  • Team members
    Erasmus University Rotterdam: Project Coordinator Image
  • Funding & partners
    RE-FRAME FASHION is an international project, carried out by three universities - Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL), Paris Dauphine University (FR), Gdansk…
  • Project results
    Re-Frame Fashion Report Read the final report for the Re-Frame Fashion project. Read full article/node/64649 …
  • Sustainable Transitions in Culture & Societies (STiCS)
    This research cluster brings together researchers who take cultural, sociological, economic and media perspectives.
  • Team members in the media
    To read an article, please choose a university first Erasmus University Rotterdam …
  • Christian Ungruhe
    Christian Ungruhe is a social anthropologist working in the fields of migration, youth, work and sport with a regional emphasis on West Africa. He has joined…

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