
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Jasmin Seijbel
    Jasmin Seijbel (1992) is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History Culture and Communication (Department of History). Her research involves educational…
  • RWS Maritime History and Port Cities
    In the Research Workshop Maritime History and Port Cities, students learn how to structure and conduct historical maritime research adequately and efficiently…
  • Dutch Shipbuilding in a Globalising World
    This research focusses on why the Dutch shipbuilding industry experienced such a dynamic period after World War II. The years after the war were seen as very…
  • Digital Vigilantism in Russia
    Title Mediated Citizen-Led Justice in the Context of Social Change & Social Harm Digital vigilantes retaliate on fellow…
    Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation Erasmus University Rotterdam is participating at ‘BIM-SPEED’, a Horizon2020 project…
  • Where music meets research
    Pop music has gained an increasingly prominent position in the Dutch (creative) economy, science and society in recent decades.
  • The Dutch based offshore oil and gas sector, 1960-2010
    its history, structure and international competitiveness How do new industrial sectors emerge? Do the structural dynamics of a sector tell us something about…
  • Introduction day Bachelor en (Pre-)master
    All new students will receive the program and information by e-mail. In case you haven’t received this e-mail, please see the introduction letters and programs…
  • Data-inspired creativity
    In the changing media landscape, ever-increasing amounts of digital data are being created that are being used to reach an increasingly fragmented audience…
  • POPLIVE - Staging popular music
    POPLIVE is a large-scale research project on live music. The project is focused on how local live music ecologies can contribute to value creation in the careers

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