
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • History
    If you want to apply for a master in History, but your prior education is not sufficient, you can follow a one-year pre-master to prepare yourself.
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
    In this pre-master you will learn the basics of cultural economics, arts marketing and the organisation of the cultural sector.
  • Applied History
    In this master specialisation, you learn the skills to analyse contemporary challenges from a historical perspective.
  • Managing Art and Cultural Heritage in Global Markets (MAGMa)
    In this two-year, International Erasmus Mundus Master, you study how to manage art and cultural heritage under global markets conditions.
  • Media, Digitalisation & Social Impact
    Are you interested in the social, cultural and ethical consequences of new and established technologies? Then this is the right master programme for you!
  • Media & Creative Industries
    Trace, analyse, and address key developments and challenges in the media and creative industries during this innovative and international specialisation.
  • Master Media Studies
    Are you looking for a Master in Media Studies? Then have a look at the programmes of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Scholarships & grants
    Scholarships and grants for current and prospective EUR students
  • Orientation and arrival
    Next to your faculty's orientation programme (your faculty will invite you!), the Eureka Week - the official introduction week of Erasmus University Rotterdam …
  • Admission and application bachelor
    Here you can find information about the admission process for a Bachelor degree at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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