
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Arts, Culture & Society
    Want to apply for the master specialisation in Arts, Culture & Society, but not sure if your prior education is sufficient? We offer a pre-master that prepares
  • Media Studies
    Challenge yourself and build your theoretical and research skills in the field of media and communications during the pre-master Media Studies.
  • Tourism, Culture and Society
    Study the relation between tourism, culture and Society from different perspectives during this master specialisation
  • Media, Culture & Society
    Learn the key tools to examine and understand the complex and changing roles of the media in our personal, political, and cultural lives.
  • Media & Business
    The digital revolution and globalisation have transformed the media business and other industries. Media & Business allows you to explore these developments.
  • Media en Journalistiek
    De Rotterdamse master Media & Journalistiek combineert de journalistieke praktijk met wetenschappelijk onderzoek en theorievorming. Lees meer op onze website.
  • Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts
    Get in-depth, internationally focused, social-scientific training and study key issues in media, arts and society.
  • International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
    The International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies in Rotterdam offers a unique approach to arts and culture.
  • History
    If you want to apply for a master in History, but your prior education is not sufficient, you can follow a one-year pre-master to prepare yourself.
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
    In this pre-master you will learn the basics of cultural economics, arts marketing and the organisation of the cultural sector.

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