
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.

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  • History
    The History programmes of ESHCC focus on societal, economic, political and cultural themes. Have a look at our programmes.
  • Incoming Exchange at the ESHCC
    Would you like to study abroad in the Netherlands and follow courses in the field of history, culture or communication? Have a look at our exchange programmes!
  • Center for Historical Culture
    The Centre for Historical Culture publishes books and articles and organizes workshops, focussed on the field of historical culture.
  • Contact with ESHCC
    You can find the contact information of Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) on this page.
  • Rankings
    Erasmus University Rotterdam has an excellent academic reputation and maintains a high position in international rankings. View our position in rankings such as
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
    Uncover the business of arts and culture in the master specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • International Bachelor Communication and Media
    International Bachelor Communication and Media: Explore the world of media and its political, economic, and cultural impact.
  • Global History and International Relations
    In this master specialisation, you focus on cutting-edge questions related to historical processes of globalisation, international relations and cultural encoun
  • International Bachelor History
    In the International Bachelor History of Erasmus University Rotterdam, you study how history shapes present-day societies and international relations.
  • Global Markets, Local Creativities (GLOCAL)
    In this two-year, International Erasmus Mundus Master, you study how local places and actors generate local competitiveness under global markets conditions.

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