
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Scholarships & grants
    Scholarships and grants for current and prospective EUR students
  • Art at Erasmus University Rotterdam
    At Erasmus University Rotterdam, art can be found in many places and take many different forms. An Art and Culture Map has been created, including some 60 works…
  • Living in Rotterdam
    Erasmus University Rotterdam fits right into the dynamic atmosphere of the city with unique campuses, various student associations and possibilities to engage i
  • Research Data Management
    Wat is Research datamanagement? Research datamanagement (RDM) omvat de
  • The Stage of War (2020)
    Following the instructions of the Dutch government concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference The Stage of War has been cancelled.  The conference "The…
  • All about student life
    On the Student life pages you can find information about matters that are relevant for students coming to Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
  • Immigration
    Find everything you need to know about when you are making immigration arrangements to travel into our country.
  • Admission and application
    You’re looking to do a master programme at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). This is your to-do list:
  • Studium Generale
    Studium Generale organizes scientific, social and cultural programmes and events throughout the year for students and employees of the Erasmus University.
  • History of the Rhine
    The Erasmus Centre for the History of the Rhine is an international platform for research on the region and the history of the Rhine connecting the people of

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