
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Programme
    Following the instructions of the Dutch government concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference The Stage of War has been cancelled.  THURSDAY 26 March
  • Practical information
    Getting to Rotterdam Transport from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Erasmus University Woudestein Campus: To get from Schiphol Airport to Erasmus University…
  • Keynote speakers
    Prof. dr. Stefan Berger (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany) Stefan Berger (born 1964) is the Director of the Institute for Social Movements,…
  • SSN 2022 Arts Prize
    SSN 2022 Arts Prize
  • Keynote Speakers
    Joel Mokyr ROBERT H. STROTZ PROFESSOR at Northwestern University PhD: Yale University, 1974 Joel Mokyr conducts research on the economic history of Europe,…
  • About
    Information about SSN 2022.
  • (Ghassan) G Al Aboud
  • (Jasmin) JA Seijbel, MSC MA
    Jasmin Seijbel is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History Culture and Communication (Department of History). Jasmin is researching football-related…
  • dr. (Yuri) Y van Hoef
    Research My research focuses on the role of friendship in contemporary political history, with a specialisation in the role of emotions in politics,…
  • (Yongjian) Y Li - Groenendijk
    Yongjian Li is a PhD candidate/lecturer in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Under the…

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