
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • prof.dr. (Gijsbert) G Oonk
    Gijsbert Oonk holds the endowed (Jean Monnet) chair: Europe in Globalizing World: Migration, Citizenship and Identity. This chair promotes education and…
  • dr. (Julia) J Kneer
    Julia Kneer is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam and chair of the Examination Board at ESHCC…
  • (Martijn) M Mulder
    In 2017 Martijn started his PhD research on live music experiences and ecologies at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, under supervision…
  • (Xiaoyu) X Zhang
  • dr. (Christopher) CL Thompson
  • dr. (Tefera) TN Gebregziabher
    I am interested in development studies, history and international relations of Africa, international political economy. The thematic areas of my research has so…
  • (Patrick) P Peter, MBA
  • Reshaping Authenticity
    The Production, Aesthetics and Reception of Independent Folk Music in the Netherlands Ever since the start of the new millennium new genres of folk music have
  • Film tourism in China
    With focus on media and place, this research project analyses the rise and development of film tourism in China. Setting the geographical scope in Mainland…
  • Ethics, privacy & data management
    What's the role of academic integrity and ethics at ESHCC? What does our integrity code entail? You'll find more information on this page

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