Over the past several years, RPMS members and their Erasmus University colleagues have aimed to bring (social) scientists, musicians, artists and music professionals together in a series of artistic symposiums under the moniker ‘Music Talks’. Each edition is organized around a core theme that is both socially and scientifically relevant. Details on each of our Music Talks are located below.

Music Talks 5#: Festivals and Corona
3 December 2020
COVID-19 and (inter)national measures of physical distancing and lockdown have cast a dark shadow over the cultural and events sector. This is felt in particular by the many music festivals which have become dominant in the pop music sector over the last decades. In this Music Talks special, scholars and music professionals from the field will explore the current condition and future prospects of music festivals in Rotterdam and beyond. What are the short and long term consequences of the societal lockdown? And to what extent will this lead to new, innovative and creative approaches to live music?
This livestreamed artistic symposium is a cooperation between Erasmus University Rotterdam (ESHCC/ERMeCC), Roodkapje, Operator and the Popunie.
SPEAKERS/PANELISTS: Frankie Dros (Blijdorp Festival) Pim Kipp (Metropolis Festival) Claudia Raven (Rotterdam Unlimited) Immanuel Spoor (Eendracht Festival & Festival Downtown) Britt Swartjes (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Femke Vandenberg (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Aziz Yagoub (Poppodium Annabel) ARTIST: Luka
HOSTS: Julian Schaap and Britt Swartjes (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Holly Dicker (moderator)

Music Talks 4#: Festivals and Festivalization
29 April 2016
The debate featured Giorgi Kuiper and John van Beek (De Likt), Ian Woodward (University of Southern Denmark), Hajo Doorn (WORM), Dagmar Veenstra (Motel Mozaique), Emiel Haring (Metropolis Festival), Koos Zwaan (Hogeschool InHolland) and organizers Pauwke Berkers (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Bhagyalakshmi Daga (alumna Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Peter Koudstaal (photographer).
Artistic performance by Rotterdam artist Peter Fengler (curated by Roodkapje Rotterdam Radicals). Organized by the Department of Arts & Culture Studies (EUR), Erasmus SG, Roodkapje Rotterdam, Grounds Rotterdam, Popunie.

Music Talks 3#: How to be a ‘real’ musician in times of retromania?
11 February 2016
The debate featured Barbara Titus (University of Amsterdam, NL), Dick Houtman (KU Leuven, Belgium), George Caird (artistic advisor of the classical music department, Codarts), Koen ter Heegde (label manager Subroutine Records), Lucky Fonz III (Dutch folk musician) and Kudsi Erguner (master of the Turkish ney flute and artistic leader Ottoman music Codarts).
The evening featured a performance entitled “XRC=PIROZEN” by Toine Klaassen (Roodkapje Radicals) and music by Lucky Fonz III and Kudsi Erguner. Organized by the Department of Arts & Culture Studies (EUR), Erasmus SG, Roodkapje Rotterdam, Grounds Rotterdam. Organizers: Niels van Poecke, Zsuzsi Nagy-Sandor, Pauwke Berkers and Julian Schaap (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Music Talks 2#: Music, Creative Scenes and the City
10 November 2015
The debate featured Brian Hracs (University of Southampton, UK), Nina Onland (booker at Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool), Steven Pieters (owner of Triphouse Rotterdam, dj, and more), Erik Braun (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Davy Pieters (KOBE), Paul Rutten (Creating 010), Amanda Brandellero (affiliated with the University of Amsterdam) and organizers Mariangela Lavanga, Janna Michael and Pauwke Berkers (all EUR).
The evening featured a performance by KOBE (Roodkapje Rotterdam) and music by Bruno Ferroxavierdasilva and Liselot van Oosterom. Organized by the Department of Arts & Culture Studies (EUR), Erasmus SG, Roodkapje Rotterdam, Grounds Rotterdam.

Music Talks 1#: Is music (still) a man’s, man’s world?
9 September 2015
The debate featured Elle Bandita, Cindy van der Heijden (All for Nothing), Marion Leonard (University of Liverpool), Liesbet van Zoonen (Erasmus University Rotterdam, EUR), Yolanda Ulger (PIAS Recordings), Sam Sleight (EUR) and organizers Pauwke Berkers and Julian Schaap (both EUR).
The evening featured a performance by Dennis van Vreeden (Roodkapje Rotterdam) and a Ladies Hip Hop Night with Dam Dutchess. Organized by the Department of Arts & Culture Studies (EUR), Erasmus SG, Roodkapje Rotterdam, Grounds Rotterdam. Awesome soundtrack by the legendary Bikini Kill (Rebel Girl). Filming and editing by Liesbeth van der Vlegel.

Music Talks 0#: Elvis has finally left the building?
Date: 5 November 2014
This debate on race, ethnicity and music was organized by Julian Schaap and Pauwke Berkers of the Department of Arts and Culture Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) in cooperation with Erasmus SG and WORM Rotterdam. Panel members include Ilias Boudellah (of Marock&Roll), Patrick “Rudeboy” Tilon (ex-Urban Dance Squad, ex-Junkie XL), Karl Spracklen (Leeds Beckett University) and Miriam Leah Brenner (Kokako Music, Global Club Music Sector), Linde Murugan (Northwestern University) and Conchitta Bottse(Rotterdam Beats).
Funded by “The Elvis has finally left the building” research project, the City of Rotterdam and Erasmus SG. For updates, please follow us online (www.elvishasfinallyleft.com) on Facebook (/Elvishasfinallyleft) and Twitter @elvishasfinally Filming and editing by Liesbeth van der Vlegel