
2573 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Samir Abdullayev
    What I appreciate about IBCoM is its interdisciplinarity. It covers various fields of study, which is helpful towards determining career paths.
  • Ligia Cristea
    IBACS is a very broad course that gives you a general view of all aspects of arts and culture from sociology to economics, art history and even philosophy.
  • Samuel Jakob
    The International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies offered me the opportunity to find my way into the arts world through the theoretical and academic route.
  • Joost van der Linden
    History is, at least to me, finding and telling the stories of the past that have not been told yet.
  • Elora Aarts
    My interest in social sciences fit in perfectly with IBH. In the second year, I was able to pick a specialisation that focusses on social and cultural history.
  • Anniek Baartmans
    De bachelor Geschiedenis richt zich niet alleen op West-Europa, zoals vaak op middelbare scholen wordt gedaan.
  • Sarah de Buck
    The pre-master gave me a strong foundation from which I can now confidently continue my pursuit of a master specialisation.
  • Sacha van Mil
    History can be applied to many different issues relevant today, which is something that Applied History focuses on and something that I find interesting.
  • Rilee Britton
    I have never been part of such a diverse and passionate community until now, and it makes the learning process just that much better.
  • RenĂ©e Backx
    The specialisation touches upon a large variety of aspects of the media and creative industries, each using a very different approach.

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