Rilee Britton

Portrait photo Rilee Britton
I have never been part of such a diverse and passionate community until now, and it makes the learning process just that much better.

I chose to study Arts, Culture and Society at Erasmus University Rotterdam because I had always wanted an opportunity to study abroad and push myself outside of my comfort zone. I could tell that the Erasmus community created an environment where students were challenged to grow but supported the entire way and I wanted to be part of that.

Setting you up for success

I was worried that I would be overwhelmed and wouldn’t fit in with my peers in the master specialisation Arts, Culture and Society because I didn’t have an academic background that exactly matched the potential courses I would be taking. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. The professors are intentional about setting you up for success right away, they understand that we have all learned different materials in different ways because we all have unique academic backgrounds, and they encourage us to take advantage of our different experiences.

Diverse and passionate community

I find that every class I attend, my peers and professors are constantly challenging me to think more critically and voice those thoughts during discussions. Both the students and professors create such a safe atmosphere in the classroom and that lets us think about how to apply new concepts and tackle real-world problems with them. The best part about the specialisation is how much I’m learning from both my professors and my peers. I have never been part of such a diverse and passionate community until now, and it makes the learning process just that much better.

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