
2574 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Tamara Kanner
    The Media & Business programme understands the needs of students going into the current job market whilst maintaining a strong research background.
  • Sacha van Mil
    After the International Bachelor History, I was looking for a master that would be a real addition to the skillset that I had gathered over the past three years
  • Dimitra Gioti
    I gained the confidence to create my life abroad, believe in myself, and pursue a career in a foreign country that suits me the best.
  • Noor van Baarlen
    I chose the master Global History and International Relations because of my interest in international relations and diplomacy.
  • Jolynne John
    I chose to study this programme because of my fascination with how media shapes our perceptions and influences societal structures.
  • Joan Flores Ortega
    Coming from a classic business background, I truly appreciate how this programme bridges culture and business.
  • Anna van Amstel
    The master programme Media & Creative Industries allows me to combine my professional and personal interests.
  • Simon Brauckhoff
    Studying Media & Creative Industries at Erasmus University Rotterdam has been an enriching experience.
  • Maria Florou
    Media & Business alumna Maria shares her experiences with working on the Dutch job market.
  • Nicole Cruz Roa
    Media, Culture & Society alumna, Nicole Cruz Roa, works as Communications Coordinator at Picnic Technologies and shares her experiences with finding a job in NL

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