Researcher profiles

  • (Victoria) VS Niehues

    (Victoria) VS Niehues
  • dr. (Arjan) JA Non

    dr. (Arjan) JA Non
  • (Diarmaid) DT O Ceallaigh

    Diarmaid has been working since September 2018 on a research project which seeks to design sustainable incentives to encourage preventive health behavior using…
    (Diarmaid) DT O Ceallaigh
  • prof.dr. (Owen) OA O'Donnell

    Owen O'Donnell is Professor of Applied Economics in the Erasmus School of Economics and the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. He is a Research…
    prof.dr. (Owen) OA O'Donnell
  • dr. (Eoghan) EP O'Neill

    dr. (Eoghan) EP O'Neill
  • dr. (Stefan) S Obernberger

    Stefan Obernberger is a member of the Finance Group at the Erasmus School of Economics. His primary research areas include acquisitions, buyouts, payout policy,…
    dr. (Stefan) S Obernberger
  • dr. (Hirofumi) H Okoshi

    dr. (Hirofumi) H Okoshi
  • dr. (Emo) E Oldenkamp - Bazsa

    dr. (Emo) E Oldenkamp - Bazsa
  • prof.dr. (Frank) FG van Oort

    Agglomeration EconomiesUrban EconomicsEconomic GeographyGeography of Knowledge ProductionEconomic NetworksKnowledge EconomyUrban Networks and…
    prof.dr. (Frank) FG van Oort
  • drs. (Daan) PA Opschoor

    drs. (Daan) PA Opschoor

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