Researcher profiles

331 results

  • dr. M (Marte) Abts

    dr. M (Marte) Abts
  • A (Aysenur) Ahsen

    A (Aysenur) Ahsen
  • dr. MH (Hakan) Akyuz

    M. Hakan Akyüz received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Boğaziçi University. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at Hong Kong University of…
    dr. MH (Hakan) Akyuz
  • dr. A (Andreas) Alfons

    Andreas Alfons is an Associate Professor at Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research lies on the intersection of statistics,…
    dr. A (Andreas) Alfons
  • dr. NM (Nuno) Almeida Camacho

    Nuno Camacho is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In hist research…
    dr. NM (Nuno) Almeida Camacho
  • dr. L (Lina) Altenburg

    dr. L (Lina) Altenburg
  • dr. G (Gianluca) Antonecchia

    Gianluca Antonecchia is a PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Economics and Tinbergen Institute under the supervision of Enrico Pennings and Ajay Bhaskarabhatla…
    dr. G (Gianluca) Antonecchia
  • dr. C (Charlotte) Antoons

    dr. C (Charlotte) Antoons
  • prof.dr. IJM (Ivo) Arnold

    Since September 2010, Ivo Arnold is part-time professor of Economic Education at ESE. This chair focuses on strengthening the educational services offered by…
    prof.dr. IJM (Ivo) Arnold
  • M (Mariia) Artemova

    M (Mariia) Artemova

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