Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Rutger-Jan) R Lange

    dr. (Rutger-Jan) R Lange
  • prof.dr. (Peter) PF Lanjouw

    prof.dr. (Peter) PF Lanjouw
  • dr. (Elisabeth) EH Leduc

    dr. (Elisabeth) EH Leduc
  • drs. (Pim) PWA Van Leeuwen

    drs. (Pim) PWA Van Leeuwen
  • dr. (Nico) NL Lehmann

    Nico Lehmann joined the Erasmus School of Economics as an Assistant Professor in 2020 after being a faculty member at Humboldt University of Berlin and…
    dr. (Nico) NL Lehmann
  • dr. (Markus) M Leitner

    dr. (Markus) M Leitner
  • dr. (Jan) JJG Lemmen

    dr. (Jan) JJG Lemmen
  • dr. (Edith) PYE Leung

    Edith Leung is an associate professor in the Department of Business Economics and head of the section Accounting, Auditing and Control. She joined Erasmus…
    dr. (Edith) PYE Leung
  • (Xiang) X Li

    (Xiang) X Li
  • dr. (Yijun) Y Li

    Yijun Li is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before moving to the Netherlands in 2020, he…
    dr. (Yijun) Y Li

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